Fiddler Crabs Home

South America

Applicable Field Guides
Atlantic Coast of Colombia and Venezuela, Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Trinidad and Tobago, Pacific Coasts of Colombia, Ecuador, and Northern Peru, Pacific Coasts of Peru and Northern Chile, Uruguay and Argentina
Approximate Coordinates
5.900000°S, 60.600000°W
The red marker indicates the coordinates used to represent this location, yellow markers all other locations contained within this location. Purple markers indicate fossil-only locations or sub-locations.

Includes Subareas

Currently Recognized Species

Names Which Have Been Used for This Area

Specific Names Which Have Been Used for This Area


Abele & Kim (1986)*, Abele & Kim (1989)*, Abrunhosa et al. (2011)*, Ahmed (1976)*, Ahmed (1978)*, Ahmed & Khan (1978)*, Alcock (1900)*, Almeida et al. (2008)*, Almeida & Coelho (2008)*, Altevogt (1957)*, Altevogt (1959)*, Altevogt (1962)*, Altevogt (1969)*, Altevogt (1970)*, Altevogt (1978), Alves & Alves (2011)*, Alves & Rosa (2006)*, Alves & Rosa (2007)*, Alves et al. (2007)*, Amouroux & Tavares (2005)*, Araújo et al. (2012)*, Artal (2008)*, Aschenbroich et al. (2016)*, Aurivillius (1893)*, Aveline (1980)*, Barnwell (1963)*, Barnwell (1966)*, Barnwell (1968)*, Barnwell (1968)*, Barnwell (1982)*, Barros & Pimentel (2001)*, Barros et al. (1997)*, Bate (1868)*, Beinlich & von Hagen (2006)*, Benetti & Negreiros-Fransozo (2003)*, Bento et al. (2007)*, Boone (1927)*, Boone (1929)*, Boone (1934)*, Bosc (1802)*, Bosc (1830)*, Boschi et al. (1992)*, Bott (1954)*, Bott (1958)*, Bott (1973)*, Bott (1973)*, Branco (1990)*, Brito (1972)*, Brocchi (1875)*, Brusca (1980)*, Buitendijk (1950)*, Buranelli & Mantelatto (2019)*, Burggren & McMahon (1988)*, Calado et al. (1998)*, Cano (1889)*, Cano (1889)*, Cardoso & Negreiros-Fransozo (2004)*, Carter (1931)*, Castiglioni et al. (2010)*, Chace & Hobbs (1969)*, Chirichigno Fonseca (1970)*, Coelho (1963/1964)*, Coelho (1967)*, Coelho (1971)*, Coelho (1994/1995)*, Coelho et al. (2008)*, Coelho & Coelho-Filho (1993)*, Coelho & Ramos (1972)*, Coelho & Ramos-Porto (1980)*, Conde & Díaz (1985)*, Correia & Guimarães (2016)*, Coulon (1907)*, Crane (1941)*, Crane (1943)*, Crane (1943)*, Crane (1947)*, Crane (1957)*, Crane (1958)*, Crane (1975)*, Cremonte et al. (2007)*, Dana (1852)*, Dansereau (1947)*, Darwin (1871)*, Darwin (1874)*, De Geer (1778)*, de Gibert et al. (2013)*, De Man (1887-1888)*, de Sousa et al. (2015)*, Desmarest (1822)*, Dev Roy (2014)*, Dias da Rocha (1948)*, Díaz et al. (2004)*, Diele & Koch (2010)*, Doflein (1899)*, Domínguez Alonso (2008)*, Eibl-Eibesfeldt & Sielmann (1964)*, Emmerson (1994)*, Fabricius (1775)*, Fabricius (1781)*, Fabricius (1798)*, Fabricius (1798)*, Faria et al. (2014)*, Fausto Filho (1966)*, Fausto-Filho (1978)*, Faxon (1895)*, Feest (1969)*, Felder et al. (2009)*, Félix-Pico et al. (2003)*, Fimpel (1975)*, Finol & Croghan (1983)*, Fowler (1912)*, Fransen et al. (1997)*, García-Madrigal et al. (2022)*, Gardner (1846)*, Gardner (1849)*, Garth (1946)*, Garth (1948)*, Garth (1957)*, Gerlach (1958)*, Gerlach (1958)*, Gerstaecker (1856)*, Giarrizzo et al. (2010)*, Giarrizzo et al. (2011)*, González (2024)*, Grego (2004)*, Gronovius (1764)*, Guérin-Méneville (1829-1845)*, Guinot (1979)*, Guinot-Dumortier (1959)*, Günther (1963)*, Gurney (1960)*, Hartnoll (1988)*, Heard (1982)*, Hemmi & Tomsic (2015)*, Hendrickx (1995)*, Herbst (1782)*, Holthuis (1959)*, Holthuis (1962)*, Holthuis (1967)*, Holthuis (1979)*, Hyatt (1973)*, Hyatt (1975)*, ICZN (1971)*, ICZN (1983)*, Invemar et al. (2006)*, Iribarne & Martinez (1999)*, Jobert (1876)*, Jones (1968)*, Jonston (1650)*, Juarrero de Varona & Ortiz (2003)*, Kameya et al. (1998)*, Kingsley (1880)*, Krishnan (1992)*, Krishnan & Ramachandran (1990)*, Krumme et al. (2008)*, Lacerda (1976)*, Lacerda & McNamara (1983)*, Lamarck (1801)*, Lamarck (1818)*, Lamarck (1838)*, Lanchester (1900)*, Landstorfer & Schubart (2010)*, Latreille (1802-1803)*, Latreille (1817)*, Latreille (1817)*, Latreille (1828)*, Latreille (1829)*, Laurenzano & Schubart (2017)*, Lazarus-Agudelo & Cantera-Kintz (2007)*, Leija-Tristán et al. (1990)*, Lemaitre & Alvarez León (1992)*, Lemos de Castro (1962)*, Linnaeus (1763)*, Linnaeus (1766)*, Lira et al. (2006)*, Lira et al. (2013)*, Lockington (1877)*, Lockington (1877)*, Low & Ng (2012)*, Lucu (1990)*, Luederwaldt (1919)*, Luederwaldt (1919)*, Luederwaldt (1929)*, Luque et al. (2017)*, Lutz (1912)*, Maccagno (1928)*, Manning & Holthuis (1981)*, Marcgrave (1648)*, Martínez (2004)*, Martins et al. (1959)*, Martins-Neto (2001)*, Masunari et al. (2020)*, Matthews (1930)*, McNamara (1981)*, McNamara & Moreira (1983)*, McNeil et al. (1995)*, McNeil et al. (1992)*, McNeil & Rompré (1995)*, Miers (1886)*, Miller (1961)*, Milne Edwards (1837)*, Milne Edwards (1837)*, Milne Edwards (1852)*, Milne Edwards (1853)*, Milne Edwards (1854)*, Milne Edwards (1854)*, Milne Edwards & Lucas (1843)*, Milner et al. (2012)*, Molina (1810)*, Moreira (1901)*, Morrier & McNeil (1991)*, Moscoso (2012)*, Moscoso (2013)*, Müller (1864)*, Müller (1869)*, Mulstay (1987)*, Naderloo et al. (2010)*, Negromonte et al. (2012)*, Neumann (1878)*, Ng et al. (2008)*, Nicolet (1849)*, Nobili (1897)*, Nobili (1899)*, Nobili (1899)*, Nobili (1899)*, Nobili (1901)*, Nobili (1901)*, Nobili (1906)*, Nobili (1906)*, Novak & Salmon (1974)*, Oliveira (1939)*, Oliveira (1939)*, Oliveira (1939)*, Oliveira (1950)*, Oliveira & Krau (1953)*, Oliveira & Moreira (1940)*, Olivier (1811)*, Olivier (1811)*, Olivier et al. (1972)*, Ono (1965)*, Ortmann (1894)*, Ortmann (1897)*, Oyenekan (1995)*, Pachelle et al. (2016)*, Palmer (1973)*, Panikkar & Aiyar (1937)*, Pearse (1914)*, Pearse (1916)*, Peer et al. (2015)*, Peer et al. (2014)*, Pereyra et al. (2019)*, Peters (1955)*, Pfeffer (1889)*, Piso (1658)*, Porter (1913)*, Porter (1917)*, Possatto (2010)*, Powers (1975)*, Powers (1977)*, Powers & Bliss (1983)*, Powers & Cole (1976)*, Pretzmann (1983)*, Pretzmann & Radda (1978)*, Prieto et al. (2004)*, Przibram (1905)*, Ramos-Porto et al. (1978)*, Rankin (1898)*, Rathbun (1899)*, Rathbun (1900)*, Rathbun (1900)*, Rathbun (1902)*, Rathbun (1911)*, Rathbun (1915)*, Rathbun (1918)*, Rathbun (1918)*, Rathbun (1921)*, Rathbun (1924)*, Rathbun (1924)*, Rathbun (1933)*, Rathbun (1935)*, Retamal (1981)*, Ribeiro et al. (2003)*, Ribeiro et al. (2004)*, Rodríguez & Dezi (1987)*, Rodriguez (1959)*, Rodriguez (1981), Rodriguez (1993)*, Rosa Filho et al. (2018)*, Rosenberg (2000)*, Rosenberg (2001)*, Rosenberg (2002)*, Rosenberg (2013)*, Rosenberg (2019)*, Rosenberg (2020)*, Rupp (2004)*, Rupp (2006)*, Rupp (2011)*, Sachs (1665)*, Salmon (1967)*, Salmon et al. (1978)*, Schinca (1992)*, Schmidt & Diele (2024)*, Schöne (1961)*, Schramm (1867)*, Seba (1758)*, Sen & Homechaudhuri (2015)*, Shaw & Nodder (1802)*, Shields et al. (2015)*, Shih et al. (2016)*, Shih et al. (2022)*, Sloane (1725)*, Smith (1869)*, Smith (1870)*, Spaans (1979)*, Spivak (1997)*, Spivak (1997)*, Spivak et al. (1994)*, Stimpson (1859)*, Swennen et al. (1982)*, Tashian & Vernberg (1958)*, Tavares (1993)*, Távora (2010)*, Thallwitz (1891)*, Thibault & McNeil (1994)*, Thibault & McNeil (1995)*, Thompson (1901)*, Thurman (1979)*, Thurman (1981)*, Torres (2004)*, Truchet et al. (2022)*, Truchet et al. (2019)*, Tulio Diaz et al. (2015)*, Utrera-López & Capistrán-Barradas (2013)*, Vale et al. (2015)*, Vale et al. (2015)*, Valero et al. (1999)*, van Delft (1968)*, Vanhöffen (1916)*, Vélez (1967)*, Ventura et al. (2010)*, Vernberg (1969)*, Vernberg & Vernberg (1966)*, Vernberg & Vernberg (1966)*, Vernberg & Vernberg (1967)*, Vernberg & Vernberg (1969)*, Vernberg & Vernberg (1970)*, Vernberg & Vernberg (1973)*, Vernberg & Vernberg (1966)*, Vernberg & Vernberg (1968)*, Vernberg & Vernberg (1972)*, Villegas et al. (2021)*, Villegas et al. (2022)*, Villela & Oliveira (1941)*, Villela & Oliveira (1941)*, von Hagen (1962)*, von Hagen (1968)*, von Hagen (1969)*, von Hagen (1970)*, von Hagen (1970)*, von Hagen (1970)*, von Hagen (1970)*, von Hagen (1975)*, von Hagen (1976)*, von Hagen (1980)*, von Hagen (1987)*, von Hagen & Holthuis (1968)*, von Ihering (1897)*, von Martens (1867)*, von Martens (1869)*, von Prahl (1981)*, von Prahl (1982)*, von Prahl (1986)*, von Prahl & Guhl (1979)*, von Prahl & Toro (1985)*, Warner (1969)*, Weis & Weis (2004)*, White (1847)*, Young (1900)*, Zilius et al. (2020)*, Zolessi & Philippi (1995)*, Zou & Fingerman (2000)*, Zucker (1973)*, Zucker (1974)*, Zucker (1976)*, Zwarts (1985)*

Entries marked with * are inferred from subareas.
