Fiddler Crabs Home

Leptuca thayeri

Atlantic Mangrove Fiddler Crab

Type Description

Uca thayeri
Rathbun, M.J. (1900) Results of the Branner-Agassiz expedition to Brazil. I. The decapod and stomatopod Crustacea. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 2:133–156.


Subfamily GelasiminaeSupertribe GelasimitaeTribe MinuciniGenus Leptuca
Common Names
English: Atlantic Mangrove Fiddler Crab, Thayer's Fiddler Crab
Synonyms, Alternate Spellings, & Name Forms (Chronology)
Boboruca thayeri, Lapetuca thayeri, Leptuca thayeri, Planuca thayeri, Uca (Boboruca) Thayeri, Uca (Boboruca) thayeri thayeri, Uca (Minuca) thayeri, Uca (Minuca) thayeri thayeri, Uca (Minuca) trayeri, Uca thayeri, Uca thayeri thayeri, Uca trayeri
Large Carapace Breadth: 24.4 mm ± 4.72 (sd), 95% range: 15.2–33.7 mm, (Data)
Geographic Range
Western Atlantic Realm: Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula) to Brazil; USA (Florida); throughout Caribbean islands
Red markers indicate locations where this species is found according to the scientific record; blue markers represent false or mistaken observations from the scientific record; green markers represent “research grade” observations imported from iNaturalist.
Range map data derived from: Barnwell & Thurman (1984); Barnwell (1986); Crane (1975); Powers (1977); Thurman (1987); Thurman et al. (2013)
External Links
Encyclopedia of Life
NCBI Taxonomy Browser/Genbank


Leptuca thayeri thumbnail
Leptuca thayeri thumbnail
Leptuca thayeri thumbnail
Leptuca thayeri thumbnail


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Uca thayeri thumbnail
Planuca thayeri thumbnail
Uca thayeri thayeri thumbnail
Uca thayeri thayeri thumbnail
Uca thayeri thayeri thumbnail
Uca thayeri thumbnail
Uca thayeri thumbnail
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Abele & Kim (1986), Albrecht & von Hagen (1981), Almeida et al. (2008), Almeida & Coelho (2008), Altevogt (1969), Amouroux & Tavares (2005), Aveline (1980), Barnwell (1963), Beinlich & von Hagen (2006), Blewett et al. (2006), Bosc (1802), Bosc (1830), Bott (1954), Bott (1973), Branco (1990), Buranelli & Mantelatto (2019), Castiglioni et al. (2010), Chace & Hobbs (1969), Christopher & Salmon (2005), Coelho (1963/1964), Coelho (1967), Coelho (1994/1995), Coelho et al. (2008), Coelho & Coelho-Filho (1993), Coelho & Ramos (1972), Coelho & Ramos-Porto (1980), Crane (1941), Crane (1957), Crane (1958), Crane (1966), Crane (1975), De Geer (1778), Detto et al. (2004), Dreher et al. (2015), El Serehy et al. (1994), Fausto Filho (1966), Feest (1969), Felder et al. (2009), Fingerman et al. (1998), Flores et al. (2013), Gerlach (1958), Greenspan (1975), Gronovius (1764), Guinot (1979), Hartnoll (1988), Herbst (1782), Herrnkind (1983), Holthuis (1959), Horch et al. (2002), Jonston (1650), Juarrero de Varona & Ortiz (2003), Kawamura et al. (2020), Lamarck (1838), Landstorfer & Schubart (2010), Latreille (1828), Latreille (1829), Lemos de Castro (1962), Levinton et al. (1996), Marcgrave (1648), Martínez (2004), Masunari et al. (2020), McFadden & Thurman (2003), Miller & Vernberg (1967), Miller & Vernberg (1968), Milne Edwards (1837), Milne Edwards (1837), Nabout et al. (2010), Ng et al. (2008), Oliveira (1939), Omori & Holthuis (2000), Omori & Holthuis (2005), Pachelle et al. (2016), Powers (1975), Powers (1977), Powers & Cole (1976), Ramos-Porto et al. (1978), Rathbun (1900), Rathbun (1902), Rathbun (1918), Rathbun (1933), Rodriguez (1993), Rosa Filho et al. (2018), Rosenberg (2000), Rosenberg (2001), Rosenberg (2002), Rosenberg (2019), Rosenberg (2020), Ruppert & Fox (1988), Sachs (1665), Salmon (1966), Salmon (1967), Salmon (1988), Salmon & Atsaides (1968), Salmon & Horch (1972), Salmon & Hyatt (1983), Salmon & Zucker (1988), Shih et al. (2016), Slatyer et al. (2008), Spivak (1997), Spivak (1997), Sturmbauer et al. (1996), Tabb & Manning (1961), Tashian & Vernberg (1958), Tavares (1993), Thurman (1979), Thurman (2004), Thurman et al. (2007), Utrera-López & Capistrán-Barradas (2013), Vélez (1967), Vernberg (1969), Vernberg & Costlow (1966), Vernberg & Vernberg (1964), Vernberg & Vernberg (1967), Vernberg & Vernberg (1970), Vernberg & Vernberg (1975), von Hagen (1962), von Hagen (1967), von Hagen (1968), von Hagen (1970), von Hagen (1970), von Hagen (1970), von Hagen (1970), von Hagen (1975), von Hagen (1980), von Hagen (1987), von Martens (1869), Warner (1969), Weis (1977), Weygoldt (1977), Whelan (2005), Zilius et al. (2020)
