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Uca salsisitus

Locations Where the Name has Been Applied

Number of Uses of Name per Year

Publications Using this Name

Citation Common Name(s) Where Applied to... Accepted Name Source of Accepted
Oliveira (1939) carangueijo; ciécié; charma-maré text p. 122, 131-133, 139-140, 142-143; plate 3: figures 7-15; plate 4: figures 19-21; plate 5: figures 23-24; plate 7: figure 40; plate 8: figures 43-44; plate 11: figures 57-58 location: Brazil Minuca rapax Crane (1975)
Oliveira (1939)   text p. 495, 497 location: Brazil Minuca rapax Synonymy
Coelho (1963/1964)   text p. 169, 171 location: Rio Jaboatão, Pernambuco, Brazil Minuca rapax Synonymy
Vernberg & Vernberg (1967)   text p. 120 location: Brazil Minuca rapax Synonymy
Vernberg & Vernberg (1970)   text p. 112 citation: Vernberg & Vernberg (1967)Uca salsisitus Minuca rapax Computed
Aveline (1980)   text p. 799 location: Pernambuco, Brazil Minuca rapax Synonymy
