Fiddler Crabs Home

Paraleptuca chlorophthalmus

Green-eyed Fiddler Crab

Paraleptuca chlorophthalmus

Type Description

Gelasimus chlorophthalmus
Milne Edwards, H. (1837) Historie naturelle des crustaces comprenant l-anatomie, la physiologie et las classification des ces animaux, Volume 2. Paris.


Subfamily GelasiminaeSupertribe GelasimitaeTribe GelasiminiGenus Paraleptuca
Common Names
English: Green-eyed Fiddler Crab
Synonyms, Alternate Spellings, & Name Forms (Chronology)
Gelasimus (Uca) chlorophthalmus, Gelasimus amazonensis, Gelasimus chlorophthalmus, Ocypode (Gelasimus) chlorophthalmus, Paraleptuca chlorophthalma, Paraleptuca chlorophthalmus, Paraleptuca clorophthalmus, Uca (Amphiuca) chlorophthalmus, Uca (Amphiuca) chlorophthalmus chlorophthalmus, Uca (Paraleptuca) chlorophthalmus, Uca (Tubuca) chlorophthalmus, Uca amazonensis, Uca chlorophthalma, Uca chlorophthalmus, Uca chlorophthalmus chlorophthalmus, Uca clorophthalmus
Medium Carapace Breadth: 15.3 mm ± 2.95 (sd), 95% range: 9.5–21.0 mm, (Data)
Geographic Range
Indo-West Pacific Realm: southern Somalia to South Africa; Madagascar; Mauritius; Réunion
Red markers indicate locations where this species is found according to the scientific record; blue markers represent false or mistaken observations from the scientific record; green markers represent “research grade” observations imported from iNaturalist.
Range map data derived from: Crane (1975); Icely & Jones (1978); Poupin (2010)
External Links
Encyclopedia of Life
NCBI Taxonomy Browser/Genbank


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Paraleptuca chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Paraleptuca chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Paraleptuca chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Paraleptuca chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Paraleptuca chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Paraleptuca chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Paraleptuca chlorophthalmus thumbnail


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Gelasimus chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Uca chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Uca chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Uca chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Uca chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Uca chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Uca chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Uca gaimardi thumbnail
Uca gaimardi thumbnail
Uca gaimardi thumbnail
Paraleptuca chlorophtalma thumbnail
Uca chlorophthalmus chlorophthalmus thumbnail
Uca chlorophthalmus chlorophthalmus thumbnail


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