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Applicable Field Guides
East Coast of India and Bangladesh
Also Known As
Madras, சென்னை
Included Within
Tamil Nadu
Approximate Coordinates
13.083333°N, 80.266667°E
The red marker indicates the coordinates used to represent this location, yellow markers all other locations contained within this location. Purple markers indicate fossil-only locations or sub-locations.

Includes Subareas

Currently Recognized Species

Names Which Have Been Used for This Area

Specific Names Which Have Been Used for This Area


Alcock (1900), Altevogt (1957), Altevogt (1957), Altevogt (1959), Altevogt (1959), Altevogt (1964), Altevogt (1978), Altevogt & Davis (1979), Balss (1935), Barnard (1950), Bliss (1968), Boone (1934), Bouchard (2009), Cano (1889), Chertoprud et al. (2012), Chhapgar (1957), Crane (1958), Crane (1975), Daniel (1981), Davis (1987), De Man (1887-1888), Dev Roy (2015), Dev Roy & Bhadra (2011), Estampador (1937), Estampador (1959), Feest (1969), Gordon (1958), Heller (1862), Heller (1865), Henderson (1893), Hilgendorf (1869), Hoffmann (1874), Hogarth (1986), Hyatt (1973), Hyatt (1975), Kingsley (1880), Korte (1966), Kossmann (1877), Krishnamoorthy (2009), Krishnan (1990), Krishnan (1990), Krishnan (1992), Krishnan (1992), Krishnan (1992), Krishnan (1994), Krishnan & Ramachandran (1990), Kumar (2019), Lanchester (1900), Maccagno (1928), Macnae & Kalk (1962), Montague (1980), Naderloo et al. (2016), Naderloo et al. (2010), Ng et al. (2008), Ortmann (1894), Ortmann (1897), Panikkar & Aiyar (1937), Panikkar & Aiyar (1939), Peters (1955), Rathbun (1910), Rosenberg (2019), Rosenberg (2020), Salmon (1965), Salmon & Stout (1962), Sankarankutty (1961), Schöne (1961), Shih et al. (2018), Shih et al. (2019), Shih & Poupin (2020), Shih et al. (2022), Silas & Sankarankutty (1965), Tina et al. (2018), Trivedi et al. (2018), von Hagen (1962), von Hagen (1968), von Hagen (1970), Vonk (1960), Walker (1972), Yamaguchi (1971)

Entries marked with represent indirect references to location through citation.
