Fiddler Crabs Home

Gelasimus borealis

Northern Calling Fiddler Crab

Gelasimus borealis

Type Description

Uca vocans borealis
Crane, J. (1975) Fiddler Crabs of the World: Ocypodidae: Genus Uca. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.


Subfamily GelasiminaeSupertribe GelasimitaeTribe GelasiminiGenus GelasimusSubgenus Gelasimus
Common Names
Chinese: 凹指招潮蟹, 北方呼喚招潮蟹
English: Northern Calling Fiddler Crab
Japanese: ホンコンシオマネキ
Synonyms, Alternate Spellings, & Name Forms (Chronology)
Gelasimus (Gelasimus) borealis, Gelasimus borealis, Thalassuca vocans borealis, Uca (Gelasimus) borealis, Uca (Thalassuca) borealis, Uca (Thalassuca) vocans borealis, Uca borealis, Uca vocans borealis
Medium Carapace Breadth: 17.9 mm ± 4.77 (sd), 95% range: 8.5–27.2 mm, (Data)
Geographic Range
Indo-West Pacific Realm: Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and Japan
Red markers indicate locations where this species is found according to the scientific record; blue markers represent false or mistaken observations from the scientific record; green markers represent “research grade” observations imported from iNaturalist.
Range map data derived from: Crane (1975); Jones & Morton (1994); Shih et al. (2010); Shih et al. (2010); Shih et al. (2016)
External Links
Encyclopedia of Life
NCBI Taxonomy Browser/Genbank


Gelasimus borealis thumbnail
Gelasimus borealis thumbnail
Gelasimus borealis thumbnail
Gelasimus borealis thumbnail
Gelasimus borealis thumbnail
Gelasimus borealis thumbnail
Gelasimus borealis thumbnail
Gelasimus borealis thumbnail
Gelasimus borealis thumbnail
Gelasimus borealis thumbnail
Gelasimus borealis thumbnail
Gelasimus borealis thumbnail
Gelasimus borealis thumbnail


No videos available at this time.


Uca vocans borealis thumbnail
Uca vocans borealis thumbnail
Postage Stamp thumbnail


Balss (1922), Barnwell (1982), Beinlich & von Hagen (2006), Bouchard et al. (2013), Cai et al. (1998), Chen et al. (2018), Chertoprud et al. (2012), Chhapgar (1957), Crane (1975), Fukui et al. (1989), Gee (1925), Gordon (1931), Guo et al. (2019), Ho et al. (1993), Hsieh et al. (2002), Hsueh (1996), Kwok & Tang (2006), Levinton et al. (1996), Miyake et al. (1962), Nabout et al. (2010), Ng et al. (2008), Ng et al. (2017), Ng et al. (2001), Nhưộng (2003), Parisi (1918), Pesta (1911), Pesta (1913), Rosenberg (2000), Rosenberg (2001), Rosenberg (2002), Rosenberg (2013), Rosenberg (2019), Rosenberg (2020), Sakai (1934), Sakai (1936), Sakai (1936 [1935]), Sakai (1939), Sakai (1940), Shen (1940), Shen (1940), Shih et al. (2013), Shih et al. (2008), Shih et al. (2010), Shih et al. (2016), Shih et al. (2010), Shih & Tseng (1999), Stimpson (1858), Stimpson (1907), Sturmbauer et al. (1996), Su & Lue (1984), Suzuki et al. (2003), Takahasi (1934), Takahasi (1935), Tanase & Wada (2019), Tang et al. (2007), Ting et al. (2020), Tseng et al. (2020), Tue et al. (2012), Wada (2001), Wada (2019), Wang et al. (2020), Wu (1992), Yamaguchi & Takeda (1973), Yang et al. (2019), Yun et al. (2015), Zou et al. (1999)
