Fiddler Crabs Home


Applicable Field Guides
East Coast of India and Bangladesh
Also Known As
Included Within
Bay of Bengal
Approximate Coordinates
22.653716°N, 90.782039°E
The red marker indicates the coordinates used to represent this location, yellow markers all other locations contained within this location. Purple markers indicate fossil-only locations or sub-locations.

Includes Subareas

Currently Recognized Species

Names Which Have Been Used for This Area

Specific Names Which Have Been Used for This Area


Akash & Chowdhury (2017), Alcock (1900), Bairagi & Misra (1988)*, Balss (1922), Balss (1924), Boone (1934), Borradaile (1903), Borradaile (1907), Borradaile (1910), Chace (1942), Chhapgar (1957), Chopra & Das (1937)*, Crane (1975), De Man (1902), Deb (1998), Dev Roy & Bhadra (2005), Dev Roy & Bhadra (2011), Edmondson (1923), Estampador (1937), Estampador (1959), Gordon (1934), Hogue & Bright (1971), IUCN Bangladesh (2015), Kemp (1915), Kemp (1918), Krishnamoorthy (2009), Kumar (2019), Laurie (1915), Lenz (1905), Lenz (1910), Maccagno (1928), Murniati & Pratiwi (2015), Naderloo et al. (2016), Naderloo et al. (2010), Nobili (1903)*, Nobili (1903), Nobili (1906), Nobili (1906), Pillai (1951), Rathbun (1909)*, Rathbun (1910), Rathbun (1910), Rosenberg (2020), Saher et al. (2014), Sakai (1936), Sakai (1939), Sankarankutty (1961), Sarkar et al. (2019), Serène (1973)*, Shih et al. (2018), Shih et al. (2019)*, Shih et al. (2022), Stebbing (1917), Stephensen (1946), Trivedi et al. (2018)*, Tweedie (1937)

Entries marked with represent indirect references to location through citation. Entries marked with * are inferred from subareas.
