Fiddler Crabs Home

Tubuca acuta

Acute Fiddler Crab

Type Description

Gelasimus acutus
Stimpson, W. (1858) Prodromus descriptionis animalium evertebratorum quæ in Expeditione ad Oceanum Pacificum Septentrionalem, a Republica Federata missa, Cadwaladaro Ringgold et Johanne Rodgers Ducibus, observavit et descripsit. Pars. V. Crustacea Ocypodoidea. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 10:93–110.


Subfamily GelasiminaeSupertribe GelasimitaeTribe GelasiminiGenus TubucaSubgenus Angustuca
Common Names
English: Acute Fiddler Crab
Japanese: クレーンシオマネキ
Synonyms, Alternate Spellings, & Name Forms (Chronology)
Gelasimus acuto, Gelasimus acutus, Tubuca (Angustuca) acuta, Tubuca acuta, Uca (Deltuca) [acuta] acuta acuta, Uca (Deltuca) acuta, Uca (Tubuca) acuta, Uca acuata, Uca acuta, Uca acuta acuta, Uca acuteus, Uca acutus
Medium Carapace Breadth: 17.9 mm ± 3.17 (sd), 95% range: 11.7–24.1 mm, (Data)
Geographic Range
Indo-West Pacific Realm: northern Vietnam to China
Red markers indicate locations where this species is found according to the scientific record; blue markers represent false or mistaken observations from the scientific record; green markers represent “research grade” observations imported from iNaturalist.
Range map data derived from: Bairagi & Misra (1988); Crane (1975); Jones & Morton (1994); Shih et al. (2010); Shih et al. (2016); Tue et al. (2012)
External Links
Encyclopedia of Life


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Tubuca acuta thumbnail
Tubuca acuta thumbnail
Tubuca acuta thumbnail


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Gelasimus acutus thumbnail
Uca acuta acuta thumbnail


Alcock (1900), Bairagi & Misra (1988), Beinlich & von Hagen (2006), Bott (1973), Chertoprud et al. (2012), Chhapgar (1957), Chopra & Das (1937), Crane (1975), De Man (1887), De Man (1887-1888), De Man (1891), De Man (1892), De Man (1895), De Man (1902), Deb (1998), Deb (1999), Estampador (1937), Estampador (1959), Gee (1925), Gordon (1931), Kellogg (1928), Kingsley (1880), Lanchester (1900), Maccagno (1928), Ng & Davie (2002), Ng et al. (2008), Ng et al. (2017), Nhưộng (2003), Nobili (1901), Nobili (1903), Oliveira (1939), Rathbun (1909), Rathbun (1910), Rosenberg (2000), Rosenberg (2001), Rosenberg (2019), Rosenberg (2020), Salomon & Graszynski (1982), Serène (1973), Shen (1937), Shen (1940), Shen (1940), Shih et al. (2018), Shih et al. (2016), Shih et al. (2010), Shih et al. (2022), Stimpson (1858), Stimpson (1907), Suvatti (1938), Targioni Tozzetti (1877), Tesch (1918), Trivedi et al. (2018), Tue et al. (2012), Tweedie (1937), Tweedie (1950), Wada (2019)