Alcock (1900)†, Altevogt (1959), Bliss (1968)†, Boone (1934)†, Chhapgar (1957)†, Crane (1975)†, Davis (1987)†, Dev Roy & Bhadra (2011)†, Gravely (1927), Henderson (1893), Lanchester (1900)†, Montague (1980)†, Naderloo et al. (2016)†, Naderloo et al. (2010)†, Prasanna et al. (2017), Sankarankutty (1961)†, Sankarankutty (1967), Serène (1973)†, Silas & Sankarankutty (1965), Trivedi et al. (2018)†, von Hagen (1970)†, Yamaguchi & Takeda (1973)†
Entries marked with † represent indirect references to location through citation. Entries marked with ‡ represent potential inhabitants inferred from species ranges.