Ashton et al. (2003), Frith (1977), Frith & Brunenmeister (1980)†, Frith & Frith (1977), Frith & Frith (1977), Frith & Frith (1978), Hartnoll (1988)†, Ho et al. (1993)†, Jaroensutasinee & Jaroensutasinee (2004), Jones & George (1982)†, Naderloo et al. (2016)†, Naderloo et al. (2010)†, Naiyanetr (2007), Shih et al. (2018)†, Tina et al. (2015)†, Tina et al. (2015)†, Williams & Heng (1981)†
Entries marked with † represent indirect references to location through citation. Entries marked with ‡ represent potential inhabitants inferred from species ranges.