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Abramowitz, A.A. (1936) The action of intermedin on crustacean melanophores and of the crustacean hormone on elasmobranch melanophores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 22(8):521–523.

Likely studied a mix of species, as indicated in his later paper.

Language: English

Online: DOI

Names Appearing in this Publication

Name Used Where Applied to... Accepted Name Source of Accepted
Uca text p. 522-523 citation: Carlson (1935) “fiddler crabs” MSR
    citation: Megušar (1912) “fiddler crabs” MSR
    location: Woods Hole, Falmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA Leptuca pugilator Abramowitz (1938)
    location: Woods Hole, Falmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA Minuca pugnax Abramowitz (1938)

This Publication is Cited By

Abramowitz (1937), Abramowitz (1938), Burgers (1958), Carlisle & Knowles (1959)