Fiddler Crabs Home

Leeward Antilles

Applicable Field Guides
Caribbean Islands
Included Within
Lesser Antilles
Approximate Coordinates
12.186111°N, 68.989444°W
The red marker indicates the coordinates used to represent this location, yellow markers all other locations contained within this location. Purple markers indicate fossil-only locations or sub-locations.

Includes Subareas

Currently Recognized Species

Names Which Have Been Used for This Area

Specific Names Which Have Been Used for This Area


Abele & Kim (1986), Almeida et al. (2008), Almeida & Coelho (2008), Beinlich & von Hagen (2006), Benetti & Negreiros-Fransozo (2003), Burgers (1958), Chace & Hobbs (1969), Coelho et al. (2008), Coelho & Ramos (1972), Crane (1943), Crane (1958), Crane (1975), Felder et al. (2009), Fransen et al. (1997), Heard (1982), Holthuis (1959), Juarrero de Varona & Ortiz (2003), Luederwaldt (1919), Maccagno (1928), Manning & Holthuis (1981), Mantel & Farmer (1983), Mulstay (1987), Novak & Salmon (1974), Oliveira (1939), Powers (1977), Ramos-Porto et al. (1978), Rathbun (1918), Rathbun (1920), Rathbun (1924), Rathbun (1933), Rosenberg (2020), Salmon (1967), Spaargaren (1975), Thurman (1979), Vale et al. (2015), van Delft (1968), Vélez (1967), Vernberg & Vernberg (1966), von Hagen (1968), von Hagen (1970), von Hagen (1970), von Hagen (1970), von Hagen (1980), von Hagen (1987), Zou & Fingerman (2000)

Entries marked with represent indirect references to location through citation. Entries marked with represent potential inhabitants inferred from species ranges.
