Bergin (1981)†, Christy (1978), Christy (1982), de Gibert et al. (2013)†, Goshima & Murai (1988)†, Keeratipattarakarn et al. (2020)†, Montague (1980)†, Odhano et al. (2022)†, Paula (1989)†, Peters et al. (2016)†, Powers & Bliss (1983)†, Rodríguez et al. (1997)†, Tina et al. (2018)†, Tina et al. (2015)†, Tina & Muramatsu (2020)†, Weis & Perlmutter (1987)†, Weis & Perlmutter (1987)†, Williams (1984)†, Williams & Duke (1979)†, Zucker (1978)†
Entries marked with † represent indirect references to location through citation. Entries marked with ‡ represent potential inhabitants inferred from species ranges.