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Primary Senior Synonym
Leptuca leptodactyla
Original Usage
Uca leptostyla
Original Source with Priority
Nutting, C.C. (1919) Barbados-Antigua Expedition. Narrative and preliminary report of a zoological expedition from the University of Iowa to the Lesser Antilles under the auspices of the Graduate College. University of Iowa Studies in Natural History 8(3):1–274.
Appears to be an accidental combination of the names leptodactyla and stylifera.

Locations Where the Name has Been Applied

Number of Uses of Name per Year


Apparently a mistake/typo, since Nutting (1919) references Rathbun (1918) and does not appear to be trying to name a new species. Most likely mixed up the names of Uca stylifera and Leptuca leptodactyla. Based on location (Antigua), the species could have been Leptuca leptodactyla.

Binomials Using this Specific Name
