Bachmann & Rheinsmith (1973), Barnwell (1968)†, Becker & Hinsch (1982), Crane (1943)†, Crane (1958)†, Crane (1975)†, Démeusy (1957)†, Dunham & Gilchrist (1988)†, Hannan & Evans (1973)†, Heard (1976)†, Hedgpeth (1950)†, Hernández Roa et al. (2009)†, Hutton (1964), Lecroy & Wagner-Merner (1976), Lee et al. (1982), Lee et al. (1981), Maccagno (1928)†, Mattson (1988), Miller & Vernberg (1968)†, Novak & Salmon (1974)†, Powers (1975)†, Powers (1977)†, Rathbun (1918), Richards et al. (2011), Salmon (1967)†, Salmon et al. (1978)†, Shields et al. (2015)†, Smith & Miller (1973)†, Thurman (1979)†, Wagner-Merner (1979), Williams (1965)†, Williams (1984)†
Entries marked with † represent indirect references to location through citation. Entries marked with ‡ represent potential inhabitants inferred from species ranges.