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Imamura, Y., S. Ozeki, T. Miyajima, T. Furota, and S. Kojima [今. 陽一郎, 小. 祥子, 宮. 利宏, 風. 利夫 and 小. 茂明] (2011) Change of feeding habits of three decapod species dominating the Tamagawa Estuary in central Japan corresponding to habitats [多摩川河口干潟に優占する十脚甲殻類3種の生息場所による食性の変化]. Japanese Journal of Benthology [日本ベントス学会誌] 66:40–47.

Language: Japanese [with English abstract/summary]

Names Appearing in this Publication

Name Used Where Applied to... Accepted Name Source of Accepted
Uca tetragonon text p. 45 citation: Koga et al. (1995)Uca tetragonon Gelasimus tetragonon Computed